Gamespy Patch Information

As you may have heard, Gamespy is shutting down. We want to be sure you’re still able to play Unreal Tournament 3 Multiplayer. Thanks to community member Shambler, we have a patch that will allow you to continue playing. We also want to thank all of the server admins and other community members who have helped test the patch to be sure it’s ready to go. (We’re looking at you Bubbaxm2 and Hedsteem!)

GO HERE for more information!

IMPORTANT TECHNICAL STUFFS: This “patch” is actually a replacement executable that will direct you to the new Unreal Tournament 3 master server which we have moved to the Epic Games server bank along with the Unreal Tournament 99 and Unreal Tournament 2004 servers.

Once you have the new .exe and go to log on it will tell you that username and password are wrong. You will need to recreate any and all of your usernames on the new master server as all of the ones you have registered on Gamespy will go away with Gamespy. You can use the same names as before and even the same passwords, you just need to have them registered on the new server now instead of Gamespy.