Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Update Released

An update to Half-Life 2: Deathmatch has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. The major changes include:
  • Added 64-bit Support. 64-bit binaries will automatically be launched on systems with a 64-bit OS.
  • Added a borderless window option to video settings
  • Added bicubic lightmaps (from Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Update)
  • Added radial fog (from Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Update)
  • Added support for Steam Networking
  • Added UI scaling for high-resolution screens
  • Added avatars to the scoreboard
  • Added console convar "hl2mp_allow_pickup" to allow picking up objects without Gravity Gun
  • Added kill, weapon equip, and health pickup events for Steam Game Recording
  • Brought over the HUD/UI changes from HL2 Anniversary update
  • Increased the hardcoded maxplayers to 100 to allow for more chaotic times
  • Increased default maxplayers from 2 to 24
  • Improved networking precision for local player positions, resulting in less prediction errors and better game-feel
  • Made viewmodels use the proper Half-Life 2 viewmodel bob/sway behaviour
  • Made the default server name for listen servers include the player's name
  • Made the game launch in native resolution by default instead of 640x480
  • Client-side prediction fixes (these fix 'jank'/rollback in certain situations)
    • Implemented prediction for SMG1, AR2, Crossbow and basic prediction for the Gravity Gun
    • Fixed prediction for Crowbar and Stunstick animations
    • Implemented prediction for sprinting and AUX power
    • Implemented prediction for crouching
    • Implemented prediction for duck-jumping
    • Implemented prediction for climbing and getting on/off ladders
    • Fixed player hull being mis-predicted in certain instances causing rollbacks every frame when e.g. crouching or against a wall
    • Fixed prediction errors when picking up ammo or taking damage
    • Fixed a prediction bug where if the player was moved on the client, their input-based movement for that tick was not taken into account in non-player actions
    • Improved prediction for walking on props and other entities
    • Made certain client-side entities only trigger local prediction errors
      • e.g. If the viewmodel experiences a prediction error, the player will not experience a prediction error
    • Fixed prediction of viewmodel sway
    • Fixed a prediction error regarding weapon idle animations
  • Fixed a bug where the SourceTV player would get stuck in limbo if mp_allowspectators was set to 0
  • Fixed ALT/AMMO text and related icons not showing on HUD
  • Fixed weapon sounds and effects for Gravity Gun, SMG1, AR2 and Crossbow
  • Fixed the AR2 playing the animation for alt fire twice
  • Fixed the SMG1 and AR2 not playing their bob animations when moving
  • Fixed the Crowbar always playing flesh hit sound effect
  • Fixed the Grenade having the SLAM's impact sound effects
  • Fixed the RPG laser dot not showing up
  • Fixed a bug where if the alt fire was the last in the clip, it would play the dry-fire sound instead of the shooting sound
  • Fixed death feed not showing player names
  • Fixed a bug where player weapons could spawn below them at spawn and not be properly equipped
  • Fixed certain breakable props not gibbing correctly
  • Fixed an issue where certain variables like position would not be updated correctly to match the server in certain situations
  • Fixed the player's base velocity (eg. conveyors, moving items etc.) getting subtly out of sync from client/server