GLeagues Prize Bonus For Viperbird's HL2DM Mapping Contest!
Contestants of Viperbird's previous mapping contest were offered a bonus for featuring the GLeagues logo anywhere in their map so long as they place in the top 5 of the contest. The logo didn't need to be prominent, it just needed to be somewhere in the submitted map to qualify.
Almost everyone who entered into the contest featured our logo! We are very impressed, and grateful.
We have decided that instead of just awarding the top 5, every map will get a bonus. Any map in the top 3 gets a $20 dollar bonus, any other map gets a $10 bonus.
Salo Power $40
- +$20 (dm_ghettoquad_r2)
- +$10 (dm_powerup_prefinal)
- +$10 (dm_xenarium_prefinal)
haymaker $30
- +$20 (dm_katsura_rc1)
- +$10 (dm_uplink)
11chickenwing11 $20
- +$20 (dm_uprising)
Alcy Toronto $20
- +$10 (dm_the_alcys_castle)
- +$10 (quad_arena_revolution)
feedays $10
- +$10 (dm_socal_institute_rc3)
x.syn $10
- +$10 (dm_moray_rc1)
Mr. Spectate $10
- +$10 (dm_belisarium)
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