CS:GO's instant bomb detonation exploit returns after five years

A large part of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's gameplay comes after the bomb is planted. The push and pull of the game's flow naturally dictates that the Terrorists usually capture a bomb site, plant the bomb, and then Counter Terrorists have to retake the site and defuse the bomb. Years ago, however, there was a glitch that allowed Terrorists to instantly plant and detonate the bomb - and now it's back.

In a Reddit post created by 'pinhorox,' a short video shows CTs pushing down Inferno's infamous Banana, before all at once getting the notification that the bomb has been planted accompanied by a large explosion as the bomb detonates instantly. Pinhorox titled the post 'Never experienced this before. Is this new?' which goes to show just how old the returning exploit is.

It's unclear whether the phenomenon is caused by a glitch when planting the bomb or a new cheat that has circumvented Valve's anti-cheat framework, but the Reddit thread's comments are full of players who have suddenly starting experiencing instant bomb detonations in their games.

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