Weekly Update - 2015-08-01

What happened last week?

1. Hired on a new developer :)
- Engine and rendering-level stuff primarily. Starts this week.
- Still looking for the right senior gameplay programmer and technical artist
2. Set up a new gameserver host as a test in Istanbul
- submit a support ticket with your experiences and thoughts
- should we set up a new region rather than have it in the Europe region?
3. Finished migrating gameserver hosts to physical machines
4. Finished migrating to the lower-CPU-utilization server management system
- mostly some consolidation tweaks and removing a few virtual machines still running
5. The social server took a dive last week, so we fixed it up on a better platform
6. Reduced data size in server-to-client communications
- should decrease sync times a little
7. Started collecting client-to-server network data from volunteers
- Early results are showing high retry rates. We need more samples to get an idea of why though
- If you experience long account sync times and you want to help, submit a support ticket
8. MatchMaker changes
- Reduced server browser skill range down to +-300
- Reduced the Skill Rating Expand Time used in MatchMaking to 330 seconds (should find better servers for very high and very low MMR players)
9. Game Balance:
- Slightly increased turret health (both MG and Rocket)
- Slightly reduce detection range on the Portable Scanner
10. Economy
- Increased HC rewards on new-user achievements
- Increased pricing on primary weapons
- Increased max per-match HC gains
11. The Markee Fest event was really great
- It was the first in-person event we've done, and we'll be doing more in the future.

Let's try something a little different for feedback - submit a support ticket at https://hawken.zendesk.com. It makes it easy to see direct feedback come in and it lets us categorize things more effectively.