CapnJosh Weekly Update - 2015-07-02


1. Double HC weekend starts now!

2. We've significantly increased the HC rewards for new user achievements
- The idea is to remove the sense of too much grind
- New users should be able to buy new stuff - more choice, more fun, less stress at making the "wrong purchase choice"
- We will be watching "the numbers" to see how it *actually* affects the new user experience

3. We're reviving a different gameserver management system that may actually improve performance a bit
- It's Ansible-based in case you like that level of detail ;)

4. We have an all-new server in Dallas
- look for "dallas2"
- it's running in an Internap data center (they're way into good networking)

5. Community tournaments - if you're running one or if you want to run one, send in a support ticket and tell us about it
- We want to help make your event a success.
- those "na" servers are running with this

6. There's a cosmetic item available for HC that's usually only an MC item.
- Be quick though, this time it really is a limited-time-only thing

7. Probably the most important development this last week was this:
- I started talking with them. How could we partner up? What do you think?
- Does this mean we need to somehow challenge the MWO team? Post your feedback to