Minor Content Update: February 25

Greetings pilots!

On February 25, we will be deploying a minor content update containing a new mech, new customization options and a number of bug fixes.

Special Notices

  • Mech Test Drives

    • Test Drive mechs will now be fully equipped with items and internals.


NEW Mech: G2 Assault

This update introduces an alternative approach to mech design. Our goal is to expand on the playstyles of existing mech classes to allow for more variety among them. In order to do this we're introducing Generation 2 (G2) mechs.

G2 mechs are iterations on existing classes. They have the same ability their predecessor, however they have unique weapon loadouts and slightly different statistics. There are also no alternate primary weapons for G2 mechs. The G2 mechs start at max mech rank, so no progression is required.

Another note about the G2 Assault is that in order to purchase one with HAWKEN Credits, a pilot must have an original Assault mech at max mech rank. Alternatively, the G2 Assault can be purchased at any time with Meteor Credits.

Mech Statistics:

  • Description: Front-line assault vehicle

  • Weight: Class-B Medium

  • Body Model: Vytro

  • Armor: 585

  • Fuel Capacity: 84 liters

  • Boost Speed: 29.72 meters/sec

  • Fuel Generation: 8.51 liters/sec

  • Run Speed: 20 meters/sec

  • Air Speed: 18.56 meters/sec


  • Name: Weapons Coolant

  • Description: Removes weapons heat build-up and prevents further heating for a short duration.

Primary Weapon:

  • Name: Point-D Vulcan XT L

  • Function: A high-speed weapon that has a slight spin-up time, but has an incredibly high rate of fire and deals heavy damage at close range.

    • Weapon Statistics

      • Damage per Shot: 13.5

      • Heat per Shot: 1.2

      • Rate of Fire: 0.2

Secondary Weapon:

  • Name: Point-D Vulcan XT R

  • Function: A high-speed weapon that has a slight spin-up time, but has an incredibly high rate of fire and deals heavy damage at close range.

    • Weapon Statistics

      • Damage per Shot: 13.5

      • Heat per Shot: 1.2

      • Rate of Fire: 0.2


    NEW Chassis Art

    • Medium Mech Chassis Art

      • Brommens Tiger

      • Blue Screen of Death Fred

    NEW Body Models

    • Muklashy (Heavy Mech Chassis)

    • Vytro (Medium Mech Chassis)

    • Civ (Medium Mech Chassis)

Bugs Fixed

  • The charge shot on the Breacher was causing double damage in some situations.

  • Camouflaged mechs were showing up on radar when they were close by.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the projectiles from the alternate fire mode on the SAARE to have the same properties as regular ones.

  • Fixed the background blur being the wrong color when in post process volume.