Community vs. Team HAWKEN Scrim: 3/21/14 at 6 p.m. PDT

Greetings pilots!

On Friday, March 21 at 6 p.m. PDT, we'll be doing something a bit different for our weekly live stream. We're going to give HAWKEN community members the chance to challenge members of our development team to a Best of 3 match. If you're interested, here's what you need to do:

  • Gather your team: Find 6 players and designate a team captain

  • Register your team: When your team is locked in, send a private forum message to ZamboniChaos with the callsigns of you and your teammates.

  • Show up and play!: If your team is selected, additional information will be sent to the team captain to inform him of the next steps.

The challenging team will be selected randomly from the pool of registered teams. The deadline for entering your team is Wednesday, March 19. As mentioned above, the selected team will be contacted with further details.

The details for this match are as follows:

  • Best of 3

  • Missile Assault

  • Community team selects first map, loser selects all following maps

Each member of the community team will be awarded 720 MC for participating along with the endless glory and bragging rights that accompany victory! We will also be giving away a special prize to one lucky stream viewer. It's still a surprise, but rest assured you won't want to miss out.

We're all looking forward to this event and we hope that you are as well. Gather your allies pilots, and we'll see you on the battlefield!

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