Far Cry 3 trailer teases E3 showing

title="Permanent Link to Far Cry 3 trailer teases E3 showing">Far Cry 2 E3 teaser

E3 is tantalisingly close. Far Cry 3 raised eyebrows at E3 2011 with trailers introducing the game's psychotic antagonist, Vaas. Hopefully we'll get more of a sense of what the game will be like to play at Ubisoft's conference next week. The misty flashes above tease a few new characters, but it'd be nicer to see more in-game action, to find out exactly how open Far Cry 3's jungle will be. The footage so far has felt a little rail roaded. We'll be covering E3 in force, so stay tuned for more on this year's biggest games from the year's biggest games conference next week.