Good news, Steam's just introduced a better way to enjoy dodgy smut and 6/10s with your grandparents

Playing video games with your family is definitely never a recipe for arguments, and Steam’s just introduced an improved way to definitely not get into such arguments. Steam Families, now available in beta, will let you do a bunch of stuff with your loved ones, including play very mid games at the same time.

If you’ve previously been using features like family sharing and family view, a number of elements of this latest addition to Steam won’t be new to you, but they’ve now been smushed together alongside some other stuff, in order to make managing your family a bit less of a hassle. Well, it’ll still be a hassle when your 10 year old inevitably wants to buy GTA 6, but at least now you should be able to play something relaxing while they’re on with it, to help you come up with PG explanations for all the bits they don’t understand.

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